We are pleased to welcome Ms Jun Chen, a Wenzhou Summer Scholar who will undertake a short research project for the next 6 weeks in the Anggono Lab. This is the second time the Anggono Lab participates in the Wenzhou Summer Student Program, which selects only a handful of outstanding undergraduates through a competitive application and interview process. Welcome Jun!
Supported by a highly competitive International UQ Graduate School Scholarship, Xiaojun will investigate the molecular mechanisms of glutamate receptor trafficking in central neurons.
Sumasri, Joanne, Tianyi and Jocelyn publish an article in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, reporting a role for GluA1 ubiquitination in mediating amyloid-β-induced synaptic depression in neurons.
Joanne's image "BrainSTORM" wins the 2016 QBI Art in Neuroscience People's Choice Award. Congratulations! A big shout out to those who had voted!
Our current Masters student, Tianyi, receives the 2016 Academic Excellence Medal from the School of Natural Sciences, Griffith University, for ranking 1st in the entire BSc cohort in that year. Congrats!
Jocelyn and Joanne publish an article in Scientific Reports, revealing a dual function of PACSIN1 in regulating the internalisation and recycling of AMPA receptors in hippocampal neurons.
Joanne earns one of the limited spots at the CAJAL Advanced Neuroscience Training Course on Neuronal Cell Biology - Cytoskeleton and Trafficking, to be held in Bordeaux Neurocampus, Bordeaux, France, on 10-31 July 2016. Congratulations!
Sumasri and Jocelyn publish an article in Neural Plasticity, reviewing the mechanims underlying dysregulation of AMPA receptor trafficking induced by amyloid-beta.
Sumasri also receives a highly competitive University of Queensland International scholarship. Congrats!
Joanne receives a First Class Honours for her thesis and ranks 1st in her cohort. To top the icing on the cake, she secured the highly competitive University of Queensland International Scholarship. What a fantastic year!
Synaptic Neurobiology LabArchives
January 2023